Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Your next phone call...

A 16 year old boy presents with sudden decrease of vision. He has been otherwise asymptomatic and even wrestling on the high school team as recently as the past few days. After viewing above, who do you call?


  1. Damn this looks bad. Any other symptoms?

  2. 1st time posting here, awesome blog colin. This is a toughie. Seems like an elevated retinal mass, I say elevated based on it's overall shape as well as the change in contour of the overlying retinal vessels. Around the mass, it looks like there's some white corrugated lines, suggesting an accompanying chronic retinal detachment, possibly serous. Lots of preretinal heme, in one view it even looks like a possible BRVO. My best guess would be lymphoma, either way, he should get a CT head w/o contrast and get worked up for periorbital malignancy. ??
